every year... MiLLIONS...


...of people including myself set out on this journey of positivity and greatness for the new year... most of us fail before the ushering in of Feb...but I don't think it's all a waste... and as I get ready to reflect on this year past... I know I actually accomplished quite a few of my goals... and created and conquered some I didn't even foresee..BLESSING... I guess the big thing this year that I am putting out in the atmosphere is... that I want to do one of two things... MOVE to another state or BUY my own place... this desire has made me reflect on my current habits and therefore... I am going on a financial DIET!... tomorrow... lol... actually Jan1st10... but I haven't bought myself a xmas gift.... lol... I got a few choices ... some responsible some not so much... I'm trying to figure out which category this handbag will fit in... I've loved it since it first graced the neimans website... and that's been some months...lol

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