em . in . i = RUNning BACKwards

inside: I'd marry my husband without a ring... thats how in love i want to be... 20 or less guest list

wow. don't really know how to start this one. but u know how u feel like gods testing you. he brings the same test around. and when you study it. you study to fail. but the last time you took the test. the proctor was in the room so you couldnt fail. but you failed all the same cause you werent happy you passed and it hurts to know that you couldnt recognize the joy in success. I know it makes no sense. let me try this. Sometimes you get tired of being different. Well not exactly tired of being different but more like you get tired of pretending that some of the things the normal folks adore and idolize arent things that you adore and would love to idolize too. But people look to you to be beyond childish things like idolizing mere simple things... yeah it doesn't bother me if people think i dress weird or talk differently or that i demand too much when there is only a little... but yeah it bothers me that these people dont think I'm real just like them. of course i don't have a following like a celebrity. but a little attention is sometimes to much. You ever want something but know its not good for you .... just want to ask them to not stroke my EGO i have already abused it. I'm scared I might actually want to be this monster. read the sign "dont feed" and obey... but just maybe I'm exPERiencing an epHEmeral affINity for osculATION.... ... .. . .. ... ....


trh said...

i married mine without a ring...but no one knew!!!

outsidesinside said...

Just saw this comment... I'm obviously not good at keeping up lol... all that really matters is that you love each other... :)