em . in . i = independence

hoMEmade sherBET+ pirATE's booty+sNAP crAckle pop aTOP RED mOuntain+ personal GI JOE = independence life

I haven't done this in a while so here goes... lots of stuff has happened in the world in the past month or so... here are my thoughts...  

Politics: I'm not quite sure I'm ready to be wiped off the map

Entertainment: The best is never good enough (figurative and literally)

Artist: the unbelievable selflessness a true artist exhibits ... is beyond words... it's truly what I believe to be  the reason they were gifted with said ability...

Money: = GREED = VIOLENCE= HATE= DOWNFALL... I could keep going but that won't make people trade it in for something real like PASSION!

Music: listen with your heart and don't question the physical, the vessel, or the tangible... 

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