Princess Diana's Wedding Ring:
The Modern Day Hope Diamond... #igottostepmyprincessgameup
It's the day after Thanksgiving and while I have so much to be thankful for... my mind is nowhere near at rest. Don't get me wrong. I have had an amazingggg time with my family this Holiday and I wouldn't trade that for any peace in the world! Unfortunately the last month has been shadowed in death by two of my peers both under 30 and both known for living their lives to the fullest! The Fullest.... when i reflect... I can't quite grasp the fullest... I'm now watching How I Made My Millions.... When it went to commercial they posted a email link of how to send your story in of how you made your million... I saw that and in my soul i said soon I'm going to send my story in... it's not about the number or the possibility of life stress the number could bring me ... which brings me to my life... it should be the happiest time for me and I tell you a month ago it was I knew nothing different than the joy and pride my new found successes had brought... I constantly found myself stopping and thanking god... and I'm still thankful... for years one of my excuses for wanting to move to a "big city" was so that I could gain credibility... it took me time to look around and figure how much more work I would have to do to make it in my "small city" What's more credible/rewarding than that? I thought and still think it can be done... but what's most important to me is that I am happy and what makes me happy is providing the best products/services I can.... I also used "I need to work for a major company so that people will respect my abilities".... well right here in my small city I've been afforded that luxury too... I mean the name recognition of the company alone turns heads.... and I couldn't be more excited about this opportunity ... but god works in funny ways... he's given me four months with this company... and while I know I should just be enjoying it and soaking up all of the knowledge.... because I do trust him... my mind is already spinning in thoughts of two months from now.... I feel like I have all of the pieces but I just don't have the wisdom to put it all together... I feel so close... but so far away... I feel stupid but I know I'm a genius... I am thankful that I can feel.... On a less heavy note... I have discovered this amazing blog... the guy gives me such hope that normal men with feelings do exist lol... I of course want to keep him to myself but I guess I will share him soon! lol! oh and more post to follow as well!
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