My Replica Princess Diana Cambridge Love Knot Crown

So tomorrow is my BORNDAY... and I honestly don't have any big plans and I haven't bought myself a present yet... I've been super busy and my life has been pretty lame so not a bunch has been going into this blog... I also realize that I have been pretty ungrateful... I had a convo with my mom the other day and she was telling me about how proud she was of me... and I replied "Of what? I haven't done anything"... then I took some time to reflect... even though I haven't even touched the hem of my goals... I did accomplish a lot this year... I guess my ungratefulness comes from my knowledge of how lazy I have been and how much more I know I could have done... but I'll leave the could haves behind for the time and focus on the ever so bright future... I'm going into 1(28) with some big stuff lined up and even if the stuff falls down... I'm still LaQuin ... oh yeah...My Mom & Dad got me the crown (tiaras are for play play)... because of course.. I am ROYALTY!

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